
< Funding has now ended for this project – please get in touch if you’d like to discuss collaborating on reviving the initiative >



Global strategic foresight research into the futures of disasters, extreme events and crises

Our approach is based on:

  • working across natural hazards, anthropogenic risks and human-made crises over multiple spatial and temporal scales
  • addressing future vulnerabilities, risks and threat saliences
  • investigating the emergence of new forms or manifestations of hazards and vulnerabilities and exploring their interrelationships and interdependencies
  • focusing on disaster issues with the greatest societal impacts, including their range of potential social, economic, political, military & security and health & human development implications

Our ambition is to help others benefit from strategically thinking about longer-term issues, with a view to understanding how they can develop and implement actions ‘in the present’ which may reduce the detrimental human impacts of disasters, extreme-events and crises within changing future contexts and environments

Our services

We provide evidence-based horizon scanning, emerging issues and trends analysis to identify ongoing and discontinuous change, and more detailed futures research assessments into specific issues and themes to help you review and understand risks, opportunities and impacts

Our current activities

We delivered an introductory futures workshop for a humanitarian organisation, designed to help managers understand how foresight approaches can add new and valuable dimensions to strategic thinking

How we work

We believe developing key strategic partnerships affords new opportunities to create mutual value and facilitates the development of additional knowledge, experience and capabilities for those involved

How we communicate

Get in touch with us to discuss possible projects, partnerships or collaborations, or if you’d like to contribute to future editions of disasterfutures Dialogue

Our services

We provide foresight workshops, scenario development and futures consultancy, helping link your strategic and operational planning to fuller explorations of the range of possibilities and implications which may emerge in changing environments and contexts

Horizon Scanning | Context Brokering

Our current activities

We lead a seminar exploring futures perspectives in relation to disasters, discussing concepts of a ‘new normal’ and arguing for the anticipatory approach already implicit in disaster studies to be looked at anew

How we work

We are actively seeking others who are interested in the co-creation and development of new projects, areas of research or novel approaches to futures practice and knowledge creation

How we communicate

Follow us on Twitter to see our latest updates and the ideas, discussions and developments which interest us, and to see our most recent #futuresprovocation

Our services

We develop participatory forms of engagement to help your organisation or audience connect with issues of future change, promote wider understanding, communicate complexity and uncertainty and support inclusive strategic thinking or novel research

Horizon Scanning | Context Brokering

Our current activities

We are in the process of designing a futures magazine feature, offering longer form articles exploring opinions on key emergent issues and new thinking about risks, disasters and vulnerabilities


How we work

We are establishing an associates programme, designed to allow us to identify and recruit other individuals who wish to take part in, and help drive, the longer-term development and success of disasterfutures

How we communicate

Our thoughts on image use: we recognise certain images of disasters are representative of extreme personal and community distress and loss. We will use images sparingly, sensitively and in-context